ASG in English: questions and answers
A What kind of school is ASG?
B Which foreign languages are on offer at ASG?
C Which branches has ASG got?
D What else is there to know about the school campus?
E You want to enrol your children?
F Your children need additional language support?
G Language support for parents
– A –
What kind of school is ASG?
Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, situated in a lush green environment on the fringes of the city, is a secondary school in the west of Erlangen with about 900 pupilsand 85 teachers.
Check out our location here.
– B –
Which foreign languages are on offer at ASG?
1st language: English (grade 5)
2nd language: French or Latin (grade 6)
3rd language: Spanish (modern language branch) (grade 8)
– C –
Which branches has ASG got?
Starting in grade 8, ASG has two brancheswith different emphasis on certain subjects (all other compulsory subjects are identical for both branches):
A) Modern language branch:
3rd foreign language Spanish: starting in grade 8
physics: in grades 8 to 11
chemistry: in grades 9 and 10
computer science: in grade 11
B) Natural sciences branch:
chemistry, physics (intensified): in grades 8 to 10
computer science: in grades 9 to 11
– D –
What else is there to know about the school campus?
Being fully renovated, the school boasts the latest equipment both in its specialist rooms (biology, chemistry, physics, arts and music) and in all classrooms.
Our well-stocked library with reading corner and research stations is also very popular.
The ASG is freely accessible (lift and ramps).
– E –
You want to enrol your children?
Note that your children have to be able to communicate in German well enough to follow classes and to make themselves understood.
Please contact Mrs Eckstein to explore the possibilities.
Your children are in grade 5?
Some time in early spring your children have to decide which second language they are going to take in grade 6. The choice you made when enrolling your children can be confirmed or revoked; if revoked, this might lead to a transfer into one of the other classes in grade 6. You will be informed well in advance by the school, and there will be plenty of background information, in-depth advice and time for you to make up your mind.
Your children are in grade 7?
Some time in early spring your children have to decide which branch they are going to specialize in for grade 8 in the next school year. You will be informed well in advance the school, and there will be plenty of background information, in-depth advice and time for you to make up your mind.
– F –
Your children need additional support in German?
ASG offers both language and subject support classes:
Language support classes: help pupils to become more conversant with the specialist terminology in German needed for classes like history, geography, biology, maths etc.
Subject support classes: help pupils to garner better insights into the topics and methods of certain subjects.
If you or your child have problems with German because you have lived abroad, or if you need a translator, please contact our migration mentor StRin J. Fromm.
– G –
Language support for parents
Schools, pre-schools and day-care centres in Erlangen take part in a project called "Intercultural Parent Work".
Language mediators can translate for you so that you can freely talk to the staff when you have questions about your child (e.g. when talking to teachers, social workers, child minders, ...). Among others, mediators are available in the following languages:
- العربية - Arabic
- 中国 - Chinese
- English - English
- Français - French
- Polski - Polish
- Românesc - Romanian
- По-русски - Russian
- Türkçe- Turkish
- tiếng việt - Vietnamese
These language mediators are free of charge for you, are bound by confidentiality and will not pass on any private information against your will.
The staff will book the necessary language mediator for you.
We are happy to support you and your child or children!
If you have any questions, please contact Firdevs Altun, project manager "Intercultural Parent Work Project"!
Die Sprachmittler sind für Sie kostenlos, haben Schweigepflicht und geben keine Informationen weiter.
Die Fachkräfte buchen für Sie den gewünschten Sprachmittler.
Wir freuen uns, wenn wir Sie und Ihr Kind bzw. Ihre Kinder unterstützen können!
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Firdevs Altun, Projektverantwortliche "Interkulturelle Elternarbeit"!